When I first began doing my presentation on how to prepare psychologically for retirement, I wanted it to be based on facts. So....I checked the research carefully and guess what I found? Most people like retirement, most people aren't traumatized by it, and retirees on average report higher levels of life satisfaction than any other age group in society!
I have many friends who are retired, are about to retire, or who will in the next few years and I have to say that their experience and attitudes reflect these research results. This is true even for those who seemed to be reluctant to retire. It is important, however, to be aware that the people who do experience retirement in a very positive way are most likely to be those who did spend some time preparing for it. These individuals have hobbies, interests, a vision, in other words, they had a good idea what they wanted to do before they ever retired. Pick up any book on how to prepare for retirement and most will suggest that you get a life before you leave work behind. It can make the transition so much easier. If you do that, you may find, like many of the retirees I know, the time flies by, there never seems to be enough of it and you really can't figure out how you every had time for work at all!
19 hours ago
It is becoming harder to prepare psychologically because of the economic stress due to the recession. We may have planned well, but most of us were impacted by the events over the last two years. What to do? Make the best of it. Find a way to make lemonade. Search out your friends, and focus on your hobbies and even find a job or part-time income. You will be amazed at how joyous it can be. Check out http://www.enjoy-retirement-jobs.com