My brother-in-law and his wife visited us at our cottage recently and she and I had a very good "dock" discussion. She is someone who has always been interested in the spiritual side of life and she told me that she is exploring, through her regular meditation, the aging process, and how she can take charge of her own aging. She believes that the power of the mind may be such that she can actually fend off some of the symptoms of aging this way.
There is certainly quite a bit of research that indicates that, if we use our mind well we can control, to some extent, our state of health, both mental and physical. While not really disagreeing with her, I noted that there does come a time when it is healthy to accept a newly developed limitation flowing from the aging process and that fighting against such limitations, just means we are in denial about the aging process. I am fascinated with where one should draw the line between fighting the aging process and yielding to it. If one wants to age gracefully I think it's important to accept this fact and to adapt accordingly. A good example involves knowing when to give up driving. This is a tough decision to make and those individuals who make the decision themselves demonstrate what I'm talking about.
18 hours ago
I think you are right on with your observations that you can fight aging all you want but the reality becomes more apparent along the path. A positive attitude about each day and a passion for something can help get you out of bed each day and ready to face what may come. No better way to battle aging than that.