I'm starting to get really annoyed about the impact of aging on my body. Just as I've been inspired by the Olympics to get fit, I develop a very sore spot in the ball of my right foot after walking or standing for any length of time. The good news is that these days you can diagnose your own health issues, at least to some degree. I've determined that I've got Morton's neuroma. Morton's what?, you ask. Well, its a nerve in the ball of your foot that may start to thicken with age (they don't really know why) and as it does and as you walk on it, it hurts.
Now, I'm always reading about heart disease, stroke, cancer and dementia as health issues to be concerned about as we age - and well we should. BUT, no one ever tells you about all the little weird things that may go wrong with your body as you hit your 50s, 60s and beyond. Here's my list:
Teeth: I've had two teeth pulled out (after having had root canals and/or crowns put on them); both teeth had developed fine hairline hard-to-see cracks that led my dentist to say, out with the teeth!
Skin: My skin has started sprouting tag moles, especially anywhere that my clothes rub against my skin, like around my neck. Hardly life threatening but really not all that nice to look at. I've also started getting little flat moles on my face. I'm not really a big fan of plastic surgery and don't intend to ever have anything major ever done, but these moles really bug me.
Tongue: About 2 years ago, I noticed that after eating anything with a vinaigrette on it or drinking wine, especially red wine, my tongue would be quite sensitive. A specialist diagnosed it as geographic tongue! They don't know why you get it and they don't really know how to treat it.
Are you getting the picture? Now I could go on and on about my lower back aches, and the twinge in my knee, etc. but enough is enough.
I have to say I feel most grateful that I haven't had to cope with the acute health issues, at least not yet, that strike some of our age, but I would like someone out there to spend a little more research money on all of these minor, aggravating, chronic little problems that can really affect the quality of our day to day lives. I'm sure many of us suffer in silence since these minor health issues are really just that, minor; thanks for letting me get it off my chest!
19 hours ago
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