Today is my idea of a perfect day. First of all the weather is exceptionally mild for the end of March and it's also sunny. I had a leisurely breakfast, a ten o'clock appointment for a facial, met a close friend for lunch, spent a half hour at my local library, dropped by to visit a friend who had offered me some plants from her garden (we had tea sitting on her front porch in the sun), returned home to do a little gardening of my own, to be followed by a light supper with my husband and a wide open agenda for the evening.
What is your idea of the perfect day? It is a great way to think about what you want to do when you retire. Play around with the answer. Not everyone has a clear idea of what their retirement is going to look like and some people think that planning is a waste of time. It really isn't; if you really aren't sure how you feel about retirement and you can't quite imagine what you'll be doing when you retire, take my question to heart. Come up with as many perfect day ideas as you can. Maybe you'll be pleasantly surprised to discover that there are perfect days waiting for you in retirement.
12 hours ago