I just sent an email to my niece with a few new items to add to my Christmas list. The older I get, the harder I find it is to identify what I need/want. If you are a collector like I am, then over the years you have accummulated way more "stuff" than you could ever use. Whether it is a favourite article of clothing you can't bear to part with, or a cake plate a favourite aunt gave you and you never use but have a sentimental attachment to.....if you are like me, you have probably amassed a ton of stuff.
It is pretty natural to reach a point where you say, Enough is ENOUGH! Over the last few years, I've been identifying what I call perishables as the gifts I want. This could be bubble bath, a gift certificate to the movies or a favourite restaurant, cut flowers, etc. Of course, the other option, which I think is becoming pretty popular these days, is to ask that the gift giver, donate the value of a gift to your favourite charity. Another great idea.
The bottom line is that we tend to be such big consumers of goods that we end up by 60 with far more possessions than we could ever make use of. Reference my earlier post about Decluttering and Collecting, I have been trying to part with things - some go to the local St. Vincent de Paul, some go to a consignment shop and some just go into the garbage. I must admit it does feel good to lighten the load. So....when it comes to Christmas, think perishables and that way, you'll at least enter the new year without a whole hoard of new things to find a home for!
19 hours ago
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