I am still in touch with a group of women that I knew in high school. We were all in the same program so had our classes together. Over the years, we have kept in touch and as the day approached when the oldest in our group was going to turn 60 we decided to celebrate these birthdays. This has taken place over the course of the last year and a half. The youngest person in the group turns 60 on December 31 and that will bring our birthday celebrations to an end.
It has been fun to get together, either for a drink, or dinner out, or dinner in, to celebrate these birthdays. Much of the time has been spent reminiscing about those years we spent as teenagers. It's amazing when we compare notes. Some people remember things that you've completely forgotten and sometimes your memories are contradicted by the memories of others. For example, I have always believed that I was sitting in a math class, when they announced that President Kennedy had been shot; this weekend several of our group said Oh no, we were in an exam at the time. I was outnumbered but it means I have to change this long standing image I have since it's just a little off.
For this last celebration, some of us journeyed to Toronto to see Jersey Boys, as well as to celebrate the last birthday. What a great way to end our year and a half of celebration. We could hardly sit still as song after song by Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons took us right back to the 60s.
Some of us are retired and some aren't yet. Some of the group still look young for 60 and some look 10 years older. Most of us have put on either a few pounds or alot of pounds. Some are married, some are widowed and some never married. There is no question that reaching the age of 60 is an amazing accomplishment, however I must admit that when I tried to decide what to put on the card of the last person to turn 60 I couldn't bring myself to say what a great time in life being 60 is. Having recently left 60 behind, I have to say it hasn't been all that swell. Health issues in particular have reduced my quality of life at times, like having sciatica for 3 months. However, health challenges aside, it really is comforting to reach this age with friends that you can share both memories and today stories with. It makes it all seem so much more manageable.
18 hours ago
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