I was talking today with an old friend. We were discussing Ireland; we both have ancestors who lived in Ireland way back. She was telling me about her personal "bucket list". One item on her list is to visit Ireland. I realized that this topic fits in with my last post (which was awfully long ago); it was about figuring out how to have enough money to live on in later life while also using some of those savings to enjoy life.
I do have some things I want to do before I die but they've just been floating around in my brain. I think I'll take it to the next step and actually create a word file with the list identified. By doing that I figure that it will help me to priorize them, to cost them, and to then negotiate with my husband!
There comes a point in life where saving for the future isn't as important as it used to be and where using time wisely increases in importance. In retirement, we gain the freedom to pursue our dreams so get on with it! I'm going to.
12 hours ago